Burge Bird rescue

Spotlight on Burge Bird Rescue

Spotlight on Burge Bird Rescue: Helping Feathered Friends

At Alex's Bird Kingdom, we're passionate about bird welfare, and we're honored to share the incredible work of Burge Bird Rescue, a sanctuary making a difference for hundreds of birds in need each year. 

We had the opportunity to sit down with the founder of Burge Bird Rescue and learn more about their mission, challenges, and success stories. 

Here’s what they had to say:

1. Can you tell us a bit about your bird rescue and its mission?

"Burge Bird Rescue helps 300 to 400 birds in need every year with veterinary care, housing, and adoption services. Unwanted parakeets, abandoned domestic ducks, injured pigeons, rescued cockfighting roosters, and parrots that were louder and messier than their owners wanted to deal with are all welcome. 

We work with local animal control agencies, dog and cat shelters, and other bird rescues to take in avian species that they aren't able to handle. 

No birds are ever turned away for medical issues, and we are a no-kill shelter. About 30 parrots live permanently in our sanctuary."

2. What motivated you to begin rescuing birds?

"When I first began working with pet birds in the late 1980s, there was a huge demand for tame, handfed babies, because most parrots at that time were wild, imported birds that never became tame.

 I began breeding birds, and raised hundreds of them until the early 2000s, when I noticed a trend that indicated the supply had begun to outpace the demand. 

That is when I stopped breeding and started taking in birds that needed to be rehomed. 

Burge Bird Rescue became an official 501(c)(3) in 2007, and has helped thousands of birds in need since then."

3. Are there specific parrot species your rescue tends to focus on?

"Unlike some rescues that only take in certain types of birds, we will take in almost any non-native species that we can.

 Every year, dozens of pigeons, starlings, sparrows, chickens, domestic ducks, and sometimes other species like swans and peafowl, come through our doors needing help."

4. What are some of the main challenges your rescue faces?

"Fundraising is always a challenge, as is finding adopters for some of the less popular birds like pigeons. 

We are forced to release some pigeons every year after they have recovered from an illness or injury if they are wild-type pigeons. 

The fancy breeds and the white ones always stay with us because they have no chance of survival in the wild as they are an easy target for hawks and other predators. Our pigeon flight cage is always full."

5. How do you help raise awareness about the importance of avian welfare?

"Besides educating clients in my veterinary practice, and teaching potential adopters, we post regularly on social media on a variety of topics related to bird care. 

We sometimes share an Avian Medical Case of the Day, or even a brief post about a single issue that pet owners need to be aware of."

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6. How can individuals or businesses get involved and support your rescue efforts?

"What we need the most is money. It is very costly to provide all of the medical testing, treatments, food, toys, and labor to care for so many birds. 

It is always helpful if others help raise awareness that an organization exists that can not only help birds in need, but can also be a source of a new feathered friend for a person who is considering getting a new pet."

7. What are your hopes and goals for the future of your rescue?

"Thanks to a wonderful friend who left an inheritance to our birds, Burge Bird Rescue has some emergency funds available in case of a shortage in our fundraising efforts. 

We hope that the rescue and sanctuary can continue to function for many years to come to help the birds in our region."

8. Finally, any tips or advice for new parrot owners to keep their birds happy and healthy?

"Your avian veterinarian is your best source of information, but of course you can't ask them every possible question during an appointment. You can ask if they have handouts or recommended sites for you to study. 

Read as much as you can, but bear in mind that the internet is full of a large amount of bad advice, so seek out sites published by veterinarians or well-known organizations to find the best information. 

Burge Bird Rescue is doing an incredible job giving birds a second chance at life, and we encourage you to support them in any way you can—whether it’s by donating, raising awareness, or adopting a feathered friend. Every bird deserves a safe place, and together, we can make that happen.

For more information on Burge Bird Rescue and to read about their heartwarming rescue stories, click BirdsWeHelped.

Did you know that we support bird rescues with every Bird Fun Box? With each box purchased, we donate to help organizations like Burge Bird Rescue continue their important work.

 Learn more and get involved by visiting Bird Fun Box by Alex.


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